What Is 6013 Welding Rod Used For (All You Need To Know)

Let’s begin with the most basic definition of E6013 rods. These versatile tools are mild steel rods with a cellulose base utilized for all positions and general purposes. E6013 operates on DC or AC welding current and runs better on lower voltage AC machinery.

These unique rods are excellent for joints with poor fit as they can smoothly deposit with medium to superficial penetration.

Moreover, 6013 electrode rods are highly on demand for their pleasing finish and sturdy arc to irregular and briefer welds that need a reverse in their position. But, this can only answer your question of ‘what is 6013 welding rod used for‘ at the very introductory level.

Interestingly enough, there’s more to learn about these handy welding rods. Luckily, this informative article is all about 6013 welding rods, their properties, usage, applications, and more. And if that’s something that interests you, keep skimming till the end!

What is e6013 welding rod used for
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What E6013 Means

E6013, each digit has a unique meaning of it’s own. This electrode is a SMAW electrode certified by AWS SFA 5.1.


  • E= Electrode for SMAW
  • 60=Tensile strength of the weld. This electrode has 60ksi or 60000psi tensile strength
  • 1= Next digit indicates the position of welding. Here 1 means all position(flat, vertical, horizontal & overhead).
  • 3= The last digit, which is 3, indicates the electrode to be welded in DCEN, DCEP & AC Polarity. 

What Can You Do With The E6013 Welding Rod?

The usage and features that an E6013 has are abundant. 6013 electrodes can be beneficial to clean, galvanize and paint surfaces.

Since the E6013 has the purpose of repairing and fixing, these are mainly used and readily seen during fabrications and construction sites. Furthermore, it’s also said that the best way to get started in welding is by using an E6013 welding rod, specifically with the 1/8″ or 3.2mm measurement.

These are the most accessible and easy to use welding rods; thus, all schools start their lessons with this version too. E6013 rods are renowned for their easy arc striking properties and are also greatly forgiving to reverse and manipulate any errors.

In other words, users get to create impressive results and appearance with little effort and less to no spatter.

What Are The Most Common 6013 Electrode Applications?

The most typical use of E6013 welding rods is in sheet metal welding. 6013 has high titanic electrode coats, which serve primarily for designing shallow penetration and adequate wetting for thin metal sheet applications by using electrodes with smaller diameters.

As we’ve already mentioned, these are best for beginners, light to medium penetration, poor fitting joints, and more. But, these can also be used in welding any type of polarity, welding carbon steel, low alloy, and mild steel. It can also be used as welding rod for stainless steel. The spray-type arc can be helpful for deeper penetrations and forceful use.

Another advantage of 6013 is that the slags are easily removable. Thus, the E6013 comes to superior service for welding worn-out, overworked steel surfaces, shipbuilding, and repair. Similarly, 6013 doesn’t fall back when filling multi-pass welding either.

E6013 provides topnotch quality, which lets users put layer after layer to produce welds even during shallow bonds.

The critical reason for such diverse E6013 uses by professionals and amateurs is because they have satisfying outcomes, high stability, convenience, and exceptional position adjusting capacities. This is why one can use it to weld any polarity and carbon steel.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the more noteworthy uses of E6013 welding rods. These also assist in;

  • Standard light fabrication
  • Thin metal sheet welds
  • Highly damaged or machined mild steel
  • Ship repair and building
  • Vehicle welding ( Car Panel, trucks, trailers etc.)
  1. Settings & Polarity –

However, the applications will be faulty if some preliminary settings and components aren’t considered. These criteria include a few factors, including some staple features that the 6013 electrodes must possess and others that depend on the settings of the external components.

Moreover, the 6013 electrodes need an AC or DC connection, or in other words, reverse or straight polarity. These can weld medium to mild steel. The DC component’s recommended current range and size require a 2.6 to 5.0mm diameter range. Consequently, the length ranges from 350 to 450mm, whereas the amps range from 60-90 to 160-220.

  • Strength –

The arc welding electrode can also be applied to various positions of welding, including flat, horizontal and flat, and overhead positions. The tensile strength of the E 6013 is around a minimum of 60,000 psi and a maximum of 120,000 psi.

On the contrary, the minimum yield strength on these is around 50,000 psi and a maximum of 107,000 psi. The variation solely depends on the kind of class under usage. Moreover, the typical percentage property required for such welding tools is 25% or 2″ elongation.

The general purpose mild steel welding plates measure at 16″ x 5/32″ or approximately 11 lb. However, for each application, the electrode size needed or used must depend on the thickness of the portion that needs welding.

For instance, for thinner metals, the electrodes need to be slightly more comprehensive than the metal that needs welding. So, if the plate is 2.0mm thick, the electrode must be 2.5mm.

  • what you can do with it & what you cannot –

We know many versatile features of the E6013. However, E6013 makes better judgment for welders if used to move rather quickly. The slag formation at the rear results in brighter and cleaner outcomes with lower oxidation but in pressurized conditions.

This is why it’s known as the ‘easy rod,’ as they aim to complete tasks quickly. In contrast, if the project demands ample time and patience, E6013 might be a poor choice.

Is E6013 Right For You?

Easy rods may be an all-rounder, but they have specific uses. It will leave heavy slagging formations if not used for relatively shallow penetration. While it may not be as strong as other welding rods, it can yield high quality and sturdy construction.

It won’t penetrate as deep or as well as an E7018 or E6010 either; however, these multi-pass welds can vastly assist layer after layer creation. It requires to bond with the metal laying beneath the overlay for a solid base. If the scenario seems fit, E6013 is the first choice for many due to its easy flow nature, forgiving and error-free feature, and smooth root base.

How To Properly Use The 6013 Electrodes?

The usage and operations of E6013 must not be subjected to change willy-nilly. At the end of the day, these are heavy equipment and complements hefty machinery.

This is why welders must take into account how to use E6013 properly without hampering the safety of the tool, themselves, and others around. Let’s take a gander at how you can do so, safely.

  1. The E6013 welding equipment must remain effectively earthed by doubling the earthing power. This also means that the welders must not leave the welding machine unattended at any moment especially, with the current running or switched on.
  • One of the most pivotal accessories is the power terminal box which must always stay protected with its designated cover. The electrode holder also prohibits any external metallic object from contacting the moving parts, which can be dangerous.
  • The E6013 electrodes must re-dry at 80-degrees C for about an hour before use.
  • Welders must select the proper polarity settings as per the electrode grade. For E6013, one must use DC (-).
  • Welders must provide extensive cable for returning the current from their workplace to the welding machine for safe transit.

Last Words

Whether they talk about ‘sheet metal rod,’ ‘easy rod,’ or ‘beginner’s rod,’ – it’s all E6013. So, what is 6013 welding rod used for? A number of things!

Primarily for thin metals as these welding rods are forgiving. However, it’s not just the first choice of amateurs but also professionals, which says a ton about its diverse quality.

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