Mig Welding vs Spot Welding

Mig and spot are two popular welding processes for industrial use. Both welding processes are effective for metal joint work. But what are the differences? A comparison of Mig welding vs spot welding can clear the issue.

Mig and Spot welding are unique in their process, shielding gas usage, strength, safety and ease of learning.

This guide will cover the core difference between spot and Mig welding. At the same time, you will know the advantages and disadvantages of both welders. So, let’s start-

Mig Vs Spot Welding
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Difference Between Mig Welding and Spot Welding

Despite being popular, both MIG and spot welding has some significant differences. As an industrial welding expert, it is good to have proper knowledge of different types of welding processes.


  • Spot Welding: Need simple three steps
  1. Align the metal pieces precisely before welding. It will provide a consistent result with less time, effort and resources.
  2. Apply pressure and electric heat on the joint of the workpieces. Both pressure and heat combinedly work excellently for the best output. This method never produces delamination and oxidization in the workpiece.
  3. Start the current flow run through the leg pedal and let the welding rod melt. The intensity will automatically close off after fusion. The current flow is stopped at that time, but the pressure remains, which strengthens the weld.
  • Mig Welding: Need three simple steps
  1. Set up the right position and angle for the welding gun. Mig welding is suitable for vertical, overhead, horizontal and flat positions. Keep 5 to 15 degrees gun angle for all position welding.
  2. Keep the gun travel speed based on the size of the weld puddle. Maintaining ideal speed according to the weld puddle god for perfect results.
  3. Before starting welding, know about Globular transfer, short-circuit welding, spray welding, and pulse mode. When everything is done, run the welding gun to join the workpieces.

Shielding Gas

  • Spot Welding:

Spot welding doesn’t require shielding gas because it is resistance welding. This welding process can protect the welding pool from the atmospheric components without shielding gas support.

  • MIG Welding:

Shielding gas helps to protect the welding zone from atmospheric components hydrogen and nitrogen. It ensures flawless MIG welding. Argon is considered the best shielding gas for MIG welding. Note that 75/25 argon and CO2 blend combine to make a perfect MIG welding.


Another core difference between MIG and Spot welder is their strength. Good to know that an MIG welder can more deeply penetrate through the working metal. So, MIG welding is stronger than spot welding.

However, spot welding is enough for work where a strong joint is unimportant.


Spot welding is always considered a safe welding process. There are no uses of chemicals in spot welding. So, you have not considered the safety issues when working with the spot-welding process.

On the other hand, C25” or “75/25” used in MIG welding. The main components of these compounds are 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide. So, it is important to maintain safety precautions in MIG welding.

Ease Of Learning

The easy way of learning is important for the welding process. Easy to learn and use makes a welding process quicker and flawless. Spot welding is easy to learn than MIG welding. No, any electric arc is required for spot welding. On the contrary, MIG welding needs an electric arc to strengthen the welding joint.

Used Materials

Carbon steel, steel and aluminum are the common materials in MIG welding. Besides, carbon and nitrogen-based argon is another core welding material in the MIG process.

On the contrary, spot welding doesn’t require carbon and nitrogen-based components. Resistance alloy and copper are the most used materials for the spot-welding process.

Number Of Supplies Needed

In spot welding, you will need AC power, tool holder and alloy-based electrode. But MIG welding, you will need MIG welder, clamps, magnets and respirator. Besides, having safety tools, gloves, eyewear is important.

Advantages and disadvantages of spot welding


  • Spot welding is an easy process with high-production
  • It is easy to do in both manual and automatic process. Besides no major safety preparation is not requires for spot welding process.
  • Spot welding is relatively lower cost than MIG welding
  • It can aesthetically penetrate through the thin metal
  • Easy to learn and use, so the beginners don’t need expertise
  • Fast and effective for larger industrial projects
  • Best for using smaller local or personal welding projects


  • Spot welding doesn’t support welding with higher loads because it is not built for strong welding.
  • It can sometimes be difficult to control, which will imperfect the welding process.
  • Spot welding produces a huge noise. Besides, it produces louder noise that harms workers and people.    

Advantages & disadvantages of mig welding


  • MIG is suitable for welding from a versatile position. It can even deeply penetrate through various metal thicknesses.
  • It welds with a continuously fed wire, making the welding process quicker and reducing production costs.
  • MIG welding produce minimal slag and spatter. So, there are no worries about the contamination from the welding zone.
  • It is easy to learn and use for vertical, horizontal, flat and overhead welding.
  • Best for use in versatile industrial welding projects


  • MIG is not ideal for making an aesthetic project on a thinner sheet
  • The equipment set-up cost for MIG welding is higher than other welding
  • It is mandatory to remove all rust from the workpieces to prevent deoxidants

Final Note

Our comparison guide of Mig welding vs spot welding is ended here. We have discussed the core difference between these two common welding processes.

MIG welding is a bit tricky and expensive process. It is best for stronger welding projects. And the user should have enough expertise to do MIG welding. However, MIG welding could be better for aesthetic work on thinner metal.

On the other hand, spot welding is an easier and affordable process. It is generally used for projects where higher strength is optional. Similarly, beginners can easily do it without expertise. But spot welding is not ideal for thicker metal.

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